
How to Confidently Allow Mobile Messaging in Your Regulated Firm


As digital business platforms continue to rise amid the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more companies are exploring ways to improve their services in the new normal. Many enterprises invest in modern online tools that help improve customer experience. Some companies choose to employ advanced enterprise mobile messaging solutions, which helps boost the workforce’s productivity.

Companies can improve communication, collaboration, and responsiveness between different departments with a mobile messaging tool. Despite that, many firms are also finding it hard to keep track of multiple channels for communication, which leads to the failure of archiving essential business-related calls or messages.

Without the presence of mobile archivers and enterprise messaging solutions, organizations are risking the leakage of confidential information to fraudsters that target them. In addition, if the employees are only using consumer-grade applications without policy controls, firms might be subject to a failure to adhere to text and signal compliance regulations. Policymakers have strict mandates for businesses to monitor and collect text or signal call recording.

This is why many enterprises secure instant messaging platforms for their employees to utilize. It has a built-in archiving feature, which simplifies self-service archiving and monitoring for the staff. Apart from that, modern archiving tools also have eDiscovery capability, which helps companies quickly find necessary records from the enormous amount of data in their archival servers. This is vital, for instance, for unannounced investigations or audits.

Moreover, a unified archiving solution will help prevent duplicate records which might cause confusion and hassle to the employees. More importantly, it allows organizations to respond to any audits and investigations adequately because the staff has a centralized system for the needed data. This will prevent any legal consequences and significantly improve consumer relations.

To learn more on how to allow mobile messaging in your regulated firm confidently, check this infographic from Telemessage.



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