
Andrew Tate’s hustler university- His newest money-making venture


Andrew Tate, the controversial internet personality and self-help guru, has launched a new online business venture called Hustler’s University. After building a lucrative webcam business, Tate gained wide notoriety dispensing aggressive self-improvement and get-rich-quick advice online. His bravado-filled web persona attracts millions of followers across social media platforms.  Sensing the profit potential of his audience, Tate launched Hustler’s University in June 2022. This new project promises to reveal all the secrets of his business success. For a monthly membership fee, subscribers gain access to exclusive training and mentorship. Tate claims his program to start an online business and amass enormous wealth. Given his past business ventures, Hustler’s University looks to a calculated money-maker for the self-styled “Top G.”

Sales pitch

The sales pitch for Hustler’s techktimes hustlers university post is classic Tate.  This decadent imagery tries to associate the program with an uber-wealthy lifestyle. Tate also employs his usual hubris and hustler lingo, promising to transform subscribers into winners. According to him, the knowledge he provides is so potent that governments want it banned. This rhetorical trope tries further enhancing the product’s desirability.  Such ostentatious marketing targets impressionable young men dreaming of getting rich. Tate is selling not just online courses, but the fantasy of becoming a dominant, jet-setting tycoon.

Experienced online marketers may find the lessons basic. But for Tate’s less business-savvy fans, the introductory topics provide a helpful starting point. Members also gain access to torrents of Tate’s videos and live streams. However, these focus more on motivation, mindset, and personal development. The educational content overall seems genuine, if rudimentary. Tate does offer real value for newbies looking to level up their digital business, branding, and financial knowledge.

In addition to the video training, Hustler’s University emphasizes mentorship and networking. Members can interact with Tate and other successful members via weekly live video chats. This gives newbies direct access to guidance from digital marketers further along their journey. The program also provides online forums for members to connect collaborate and keep each other motivated. Users can discuss strategies, give feedback and grow their brands together. For many customers, this sense of community and direct access to masters like Tate is likely the biggest perk. Tate essentially sells himself as the ultimate mentor and network entry point.

Raking in revenue

It didn’t take long for Hustler’s University to generate serious cash. Just one month after launch, the program reportedly earned over $11 million.  Tate claims to have over 50,000 subscribers currently paying $49 per month for access. If those figures are accurate, it means Hustler’s University is pulling in around $25 million per year. Tate has a well-established formula for converting his social media following into paying customers. Hustler’s University appears to leverage that formula successfully again.

Of course, this revenue likely pales in comparison to Tate’s webcam business earnings. But for an upstart side hustle, Hustler’s University looks to be a financial slam dunk. Tate may have another cash cow on his hands. Defenders counter that the training is useful for aspiring digital entrepreneurs with few other options. They claim critiques come mainly from professional jealousy and cancel culture. As with his other businesses, Tate seems unfazed by detractors. The program continues attracting new subscribers, all hungry for his success.

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