
What are the Different Types of PR Consultancy?


Every public relations firm offers different services depending on the client’s requirements. These are the specialized PR agencies that provide different PR services. A PR consultancy is very important for building and maintaining a healthy relationship with target audiences. The general public does not trust anything very easily. PR professionals use authentic media sources to disseminate public information related to their client’s​​​​​​ products and services. When the public gets useful information from such an authentic source, they start trusting it. This leads to more sales generation. 

Let us check out the different types of general and special agencies. 

  • General Strategic Communication

A general PR firm is dedicated to handling all the general aspects of PR strategies. Their major role is to build a positive reputation for the brand in the target market and spread brand awareness among the general public. To achieve this, they use various strategies including reputation management, social media, media relations, internal communication, etc. 

  • Press Communication

This type of PR firm is dedicated to handling media relations with the client’s organization. The PR experts use various strategies, including pitch writing, media outreach, achieving media coverage, organizing interviews with various journalists and influencers who focus on niches, etc. So, if you want strong media coverage for your organization, this specialized firm is the best option to achieve this. 

  • Crisis Management

This type of PR firm is dedicated to handling crises that can occur at any point in time within an organization. The professionals use their years of experience to prepare a crisis communication and management plan in advance. They explain this to all the concerned authorities and distribute their jobs in advance. This helps an organization handle the situation appropriately without getting panicked. This type of PR firm also saves the organization from further damage to its reputation. 

  • Internal Communication

This type of PR firm is dedicated to handling all the internal communication for an organization. The employees are the assets of every organization, and involving them in various affairs makes them more trustworthy. The PR agency helps develop a strong bond between the organization and its employees by sharing all the necessary information with them. They help the organization prepare the right messaging and use various strategies to spread it among the employees. They keep employee communication active using monthly newsletters, an internal hub, and many other such activities. 

  • Community Management

This type of PR firm is dedicated to handling and managing customer relations. Several people show interest in your product. Together, they are called a community. The flow of information between the community of people and the organization should remain active and transparent. The PR professionals handling community management handle all such issues in social media communities and other groups. They understand the needs of the customers and keep them up to date on the organization’s latest developments. These people play a very vital role during crises. They support the organization and assist it by disseminating positive information to mitigate the effects of damage.

Audrey Ellenberger


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