
How Slip Sheets Can Be a Better Choice for Warehouse?


A slip sheet can be a thin, pallet-sized sheet, which is made out of laminated heavy-duty paperboard, corrugated fibreboard, or durable plastic.

Slip sheets can also be several inches wider and longer than any standard pallet allowing a push-pull forklift attachment gripper for grabbing the sheet.

Top Industries has also developed customised solutions for many clients by using a slipsheet forklift to offer cost savings.

As compared to the traditional use of pallets, slip sheets can offer a few benefits as follows:

1.      Much lower material cost

You can get a slip sheet at the cost of almost 10% of the pallet price.

2.      Lower transportation cost

The weight of a slip sheet is 5% of the pallet weight and also eliminates 4” of height, as a result, you get a considerable transportation cost saving.

3.      Space-saving

Slip sheets need less space for storage thus leaving more space for inventory.

4.      Environmentally friendly

You can easily recycle, reuse, and discard slip sheets safely after their life cycle ends. They also demand less on landfills. Pallets may take up more space and must be returned or repaired if damaged. They need proper disposal when their useful life ends.

5.      Less susceptible to contamination

Pallets can get contaminated with spilled products, and are also the ideal spots for insects and rodents nesting while a contaminated slip sheet can always be discarded or recycled.

ROI with slip sheets

Slip sheets are becoming more and more popular these days as businesses become more aware of the ROI of adopting them. The slip sheet has enormous potential to provide a company with cost- and productivity-related advantages.

Your slip sheets, in contrast to pallets, can even be thrown away because they are inexpensive and don’t require any maintenance. Additionally, it is lighter than any timber pallet.

So you may pack more goods on slip sheets, make the most of your available space, and cut your shipping expenses.

It enables applications such as handling corrugated boxes, bagged items, fruit, and drinks to manage pallet-less goods effectively and safely.

Push-pull and load-push with sheet retention are available choices, and the capacity ranges from 1600 to 2000 kg. Side shift is a possibility on specific models.

Handling with wood or plastic pallets

  • The goods can be loaded onto the wooden pallet, then wrapped within the stretch film, and also secured with straps.
  • The forklift forks can be placed between the pallet feet (any pallets are 2- or 4-way)
  • The forklift can pick up the pallet and can move it to the warehouse or to a truck.

Handling elements for handling slip sheet

Slip Sheet handling requires the use of Roller Forks and the push-pull attachment. The benefit is that businesses can employ Slip Sheets without having to replace their current forklifts.

Adding Roller Forks and the push-pull attachment to a normal forklift truck is simple.

Are you interested to know about more applications of slip sheets in different industrial applications? You can then visit official YouTube videos of Top Industries, who have used them in many projects for different industries.

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