
Grow Your Business With Google Ads


Google Ads is the most popular way to promote your business online. Millions of businesses use Google Ads to attract new customers, generate leads and boost sales. If you’re ready to start advertising on Google Search or YouTube, this guide will walk you through the process of creating an effective campaign from start to finish.

Uncover Keywords to Use in Your Ads

You can use the Keyword Planner to find the most popular keywords and then use those keywords to create your ad groups. To do this, follow these steps:

  • In Google Ads, click Campaigns in the left navigation bar. Then click a campaign that has ads running.
  • On the left side of your screen, click Ad extensions > Keyword Match Types to open the “Keywords” page for that ad group.
  • Under “Keyword ideas” on this page, select “100K+ searches per month” (or any other relevant option). This will show you all of the most commonly used words and phrases that people enter into search engines when looking for products or services similar to yours. You can then use this information when building out or refining your campaigns’ ad groups by adding those specific keywords as negative keywords or making sure they’re included as exact match types in each ad group’s bids so that Google only shows your ads when someone uses one of these terms exactly in their search query (like “garden hoses”) rather than just having hoses somewhere in their search string (like “buy garden hose”).

Write Killer Ad Copy

Now that you’ve got a few keywords in mind, it’s time to create your ad copy. This is what Google will show on the right-hand side of your search results (and hopefully get clicked). The first thing you want to do is make sure that you use these same keywords in both your search query and ad copy.

Make sure you are being specific with each keyword—if someone searches for “blue t-shirts” then they probably won’t be interested in purchasing a red one! Include as many specifics related to the product as possible—color, size, etc.—while still making it readable and compelling.

Next up: call to action. A good way of thinking about this is like when someone asks for directions from you: “Where does he go? Well…first turn left onto Main Street…then turn right at 4th Avenue…then go straight until…wait! Turn left! No! Turn right again! Now follow my voice so I can guide you through this process until we reach our destination together!” Or something along those lines (hopefully without all of the confusion). In other words: give them clear direction on what needs doing next by using strong headlines such as “Buy Now” or “Learn More About Our Product Line Today By Clicking Here And Getting Started On Your Own Business Venture With Us Right Away!”

Create Compelling Ads and Extensions

  • Use the right image: Make sure you have an eye-catching, high quality image that showcases your business and products.
  • Use the right headline: Your headline should be short, catchy, and relevant to the product or service you’re offering—so make sure it is!
  • Use the right description: Write in a way that will engage potential customers with your ad and help them understand what your business does, why they should care about it, and what makes them stand out from other companies offering similar services (if anything).
  • Use the right call to action: A good call-to-action encourages people to click on your ad by providing a link directly back into Google search results where they can find more information about what you’re selling without ever leaving Google’s platform itself – which means more clicks = less money spent = better ROI!

Track Your Performance and Adjust Your Campaign

Tracking and adjusting your campaign is a critical part of the process. Well-structured and high-quality Google AdWords management can improve business, whether it is a small, medium or large company. To make sure you’re on track, make sure that you have at least 10 conversions before changing anything in your AdWords account. After making changes to your campaign, it can take up to 30 days for Google to show the results of those changes.

Once you’ve adjusted your campaigns based on this data, you’ll need to decide whether or not its working better than previous campaigns and if it’s worth continuing with that adjustment or switching things back around again. The more times you are able to try something new and see how it works for your business then the better off you’ll be when running ads on Google Ads!

Set Up Your Campaign, Ad Groups and Budgets

Once you’ve signed up and connected your account to a website, the next step is setting up your campaign.

Your campaign is where all of your ads are managed and organized within Google Ads. When setting up a campaign, it’s important to consider:

How many clicks do I want each day? (CPC)

How many conversions do I want each day? (CPA)

Which devices should my ads appear on (desktop vs mobile)?

Once you’ve decided on this information, it’s time to move onto ad groups! Ad groups contain keywords that help users find what they’re looking for online. They also allow advertisers to create targeting rules based on several factors such as location or device type so that they can make sure their ads are reaching the right audience at the right time.

Use Targeting and Bidding to Get in Front of the Right People

Targeting and bidding are two of the most important parts of your Google Ads campaign. You can use them to get in front of the right people, at the right time, on the right device. They’re also incredibly simple—especially when you understand some of the basics.

Let’s start with targeting: You choose a location or language and Google figures out who sees your ad. If you want to find new customers in a specific area, it will show your ads only in those places (and maybe even only when someone searches for “family restaurants near me”). That way no one else has to see them!

Once you know where people live or what language they speak, you can also target other things like their interests or devices they use to browse sites like ours (which is computers).

I hope this post has given you a good introduction to Google Ads and some tips on how to get started with it. If you want more information, I recommend checking out the Google Ads Help Center and watching some of the training videos they have available there.

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