
5 things every good website should include in 2022 


There once was a time when having a business website was a huge deal, reserved only for the largest and wealthiest of businesses. Sounds pretty crazy right? Especially because in today’s digital world, many businesses wouldn’t exist without their website. 

This does present a challenge to businesses with an online presence, however, as there is more competition than ever before. To help you get an edge in 2022, here are five things that every good website should include. 

  • Clear calls to action

One thing that many people forget is that people often do what you tell them. This is the thinking behind calls to action. If you don’t tell people who visit your website what to do, how can you expect them to do it? The purpose of your website will differ depending on the nature of your business, no matter what it is, you need a clear call to action that tells your customers to do this. 

  • Customer reviews

Today, social proof is invaluable. People are warier on the internet than ever before so you need to give them every reason to trust you and your business. Reviews will do exactly this. They will show the quality of your products and services and give people the confidence to hand over their hard-earned cash to you. 

  • Secure checkout 

On the topic of wariness, the last thing people want to do is put their financial data at risk. In fact, if customers go to checkout and see that it isn’t secure, they will often abandon making the purchase. This is not good for you – especially when you consider that the average conversion rate for most businesses is around 1-2%. Secure checkout is a must. A company like Stephensons, which offers web design in Barnsley, could help.

  • Different versions 

Today’s devices are getting smarter and smarter, which means we can more with them. Browsing the internet and making purchases with your phone is more common than ever before. This means that if your website isn’t optimised for different devices, you’ll be losing customers and will be well and truly behind your competition. 

  • Chatbot support

You may have noticed that there has been a theme of trust throughout this article. Customer support is another way that you can build trust and encourage people to keep coming back to you. Having a chatbot function allows you to offer support anytime, anywhere, without the need for a full customer service operation. 


Your website can make or break the future of your business. If you have all of the items already on this list, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. If you don’t have these items, then you need to get to work. 

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